<h1 >Welcome <span class="material-symbols-thin">draw_collage</span> </h1> This is my personal ==Digital Garden==, filled with notes on topics such as 3D Art, a [[3Dictionary Overview|3D Dictionary]] explaining terms used in Computer Graphics, [[Anatomy for Artists Overview|Anatomy notes for Artists]], and general [[Art History & Theory Overview|Art Theory]]. It is split up in ==branches==, which are categories focusing on different topics and interests. On the Overview page of each branch you can get details on the structure and information that can be found on its associated pages. ![[levin.webp]] <font style="font-size: 10px;"><a href="https://pixabay.com/vectors/people-forest-landscape-line-art-7361781/">by GDJ on pixabay.com</a></font> If you're interested in how this Digital Garden was set up, feel free to check out the Obsidian Publish branch ([[Obsidian Publish Overview]]) where I show how I customised everything. ## About Me I'm a 24 years old **3D Artist**, with a focus on **3D Character and Creature art**, and a keen interest in drawing, painting and photography. Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, I was raised in Austria where I completed a **Bachelor's Degree** in **Industrial Design** and am soon going to start my **Master's Degree** in **Digital Arts** later this year. Since February 2022 I work as a **3D Artist** for the french Software Company **Meero**. Feel free to check out [my Portfolio](https://www.stephanlevin.com)! ![[hero-image.webp]] <font color="909090" style="font-size: 10px;">© Stephan Ogris, 2023, Narcissus</font> ## Contact Got any questions, thoughts or feedback to share? Feel free to contact me [using the contact form on my website](https://www.stephanlevin.com/about#contact) or [using this email](mailto:contact@stephanlevin.com). ## Acknowledgements <font color="909090" style="font-size: 12px;">Stephan Ogris © 2024. All Rights Reserved. <a href="https://stephanlevin.blog/Copyright+Notice"> Copyright Notice</a>.</font> <font color="909090" style="font-size: 12px;">Markdown & Publishing <a href="https://obsidian.md">Obsidian</a>,<a href="https://obsidian.md/publish"> Obsidian Publish</a>.</font> <font color="909090" style="font-size: 12px;">Theme based on <a href="https://minimal.guide/publish/download">Minimal </a>by<a href="https://stephango.com"> Stephan Ango (@kepano)</a>.</font>